Webinar on demand: Improving sustainability, profitability in milk production

17-06-2021 | |
Webinar on demand: Improving sustainability, profitability in milk production
Webinar on demand: Improving sustainability, profitability in milk production

The recent webinar ‘Improving Sustainability and Profitability of Milk Production’ which took place on 11 June 2021, presented great insights into efficiency and how it impacts health and performance of dairy cows.

This webinar was hosted by Dairy Global and took place in cooperation with Evonik. If you missed it, be sure to catch it on demand!

Speakers Claudia Parys from Evonik (below left) and tMike Hutjens a professor at University of Illinois (top left) and host Zana van Dijk editor of Dairy Global (right).

Speakers Claudia Parys from Evonik (below left) and Mike Hutjens a professor at University of Illinois (top left) and host Zana van Dijk editor of Dairy Global (right).

Remaining profitable and running a sustainable operation are crucial points when it comes to successful milk production. As efficiency is a key driver in making milk production more sustainable and more profitable, the Mike Jutjens, Professor of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois and a former president of the American Dairy Science Association presented on protein efficiency and how it impacts health and performance of dairy cows. Points he elaborated on were: understanding protein efficiency, evaluating protein efficiency and applying knowledge to on-farm situations.

It’s one not to be missed! Watch it here: On DEMAND  

Should I add rumen protected amino acids also to close up rations? With current high prices for protein supplements, feeding more forages high in crude protein has been suggested. What are the pluses and minuses? What is the target level of protein efficiency I should consider on the farm? These are some of the questions Mike was asked and tackled during this webinar. Check out his feedback!

Claudia Parys, currently leading the ruminant technical team at Evonik, talked about solutions and balancing dairy rations to make milk production more efficient, more sustainable and more profitable. During her presentation she also looked at feed analysis, ration formulation and also dove into how to deal with variability and how to identify quality differences in raw material.

When balancing for AA, should I target for ratios or percentage of methionine and lysine? You used methionine for reducing protein in the diets. What about adding it as ‘functional’ nutrient? What about MHA for dairy cows? She tackled these questions and more and also talked about rumen-protected Mepron, which delivers methionine in a highly concentrated form.

It’s one not to be missed! Watch it here: On DEMAND  

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van Dijk
Zana van Dijk Editor Dairy Global