WWF: Reduction of Dutch dairy herd needed

22-02-2018 | |
WWF: Reduction of Dutch dairy herd needed. Photo: WWF
WWF: Reduction of Dutch dairy herd needed. Photo: WWF

The Dutch dairy herd must be reduced by 40% in order to meet the climate target, laid-out in the Paris Agreement.

This is stated by Natasja Oerlemans, agricultural expert at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in the English newspaper The Guardian. The expansion and intensification of the dairy sector, seen in the recent decades, has been at the expense of nature and the environment.

Jacomijn Pluimers, WWF: “… there must be an end to the manure surplus.” Photo: WWF

Jacomijn Pluimers, WWF: “… there must be an end to the manure surplus.” Photo: WWF

WWF colleague Jacomijn Pluimers said that on the short term (2-3 years), the size of the Dutch dairy herd should be reduced by 25%, to tackle the manure surplus in order to achieve the climate goals agreed in Paris. According to her, in a short period of time, 2 to 3 years should be considered. In the coming 10 years, the WWF even wants a reduction of 40%.

Pluimers addresses that WWF appoints what is needed for nature and the environment and is happy to start the dialogue with other stakeholders. “But there must be an end to the manure surplus,” she stresses.

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Willem Veldman
Jan Willem Veldman Editor Boerderij (part of Misset)