Dairy Diary: August business update

01-09-2021 | |
Photo: Gerd Altmann I Pixabay
Photo: Gerd Altmann I Pixabay

What did the month of August unveil; what’s NEW in the dairy world? From Nedap and Cogent forming a partnership to Biomin’s new book on Zearalenone, check out the latest developments in the sector…

Trouw Nutrition and Wageningen University & Research strengthen collaboration

Trouw Nutrition, Nutreco’s animal nutrition division, and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) intend on strengthen collaboration to accelerate scientific progress in animal and food sciences. The cooperation aims to enhance sustainability of livestock production by developing knowledge and accelerating innovations in animal nutrition to improve animal health and welfare. Current and future projects focus on early life nutrition, precision nutrition, and nutrition in relation to health and welfare of livestock.

Photo: Trouw Nutrition

Photo: Trouw Nutrition

Biomin publishes research book on Zearalenone

Animal nutrition and feed additive firm, Biomin, has recently published a book detailing the latest scientific knowledge about zearalenone, a mycotoxin that is commonly found in feed materials and associated with reproductive challenges in animals.

The Zearalenone Compendium, edited by Dr Paula Kovalsky and Dr Christiane Gruber-Dorninger, compiles the literature on zearalenone in a practical manner and provides an overview of the symptoms caused by zearalenone in different animals and the strategies available to counteract them.

Due to its structural similarity to estrogen, fungi-produced zearalenone latches onto the estrogen receptor, which can induce hyperestrogenism and lead to lower reproductive performance in animals. The electronic version of the Zearalenone Compendium is available via most major e-book platforms and 5m Publishing’s website.

Photo: Biomin

Photo: Biomin

ADSA selects new executive director

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) has selected Jerry Bowman as its new executive director. Bowman, who currently serves as executive director of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, will start work at ADSA on 13 September 2021. In his current role, Bowman is responsible for the trade association’s overall strategy, staff management and operations. Prior to this position, he served as vice president of communications at the Institute of Food Technologists, with strategic oversight of marketing, media relations, organisational communications, and publishing.

Photo: American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

Photo: American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

Scottish dairy tech company expands into US

Dairy tech company, IceRobotics, from Scotland has just signed a 5-year deal to supply its analytic software to a major US customer. Based in Edinburgh, IceRobotics will supply CowAlert to one of the largest dairy groups in North America. This follows 2 years of commercial trials supported by the IceRobotics team, both in the US and in Scotland.

The deal, which will see the latest CowAlert technology applied to 11,000 cows, is the biggest deal in the company’s history. CowAlert is a software package that provides farmers with practical and reliable information gleaned from sensors attached to the cows, which helps farmers maximise their dairy herd’s performance, whilst saving time and money.

Using a combination of highly accurate data analysis software and robust wireless sensors, called IceQubes, the company continuously monitors each cow as she goes about her daily business, automatically collecting detailed information on her patterns of behaviour. CowAlert turns IceQube’s data into real-time, relevant alerts and information to help farmers manage and control their herds.

Photo: IceRobotics

Photo: IceRobotics

Cogent Breeding and Nedap: new technology collaboration

Cogent Breeding, a UK breeding technology and cattle genetics company, and Nedap, globally active in dairy herd management technology, have formed a new partnership to launch PrecisionCOW. This technology monitors the fertility, health and location of each cow 24 hours a day. The solution has proven itself worldwide and is known for its reliability and innovation.

Ben Hogg, national business development manager for Cogent, says that new customers are given the chance to try out the product before signing up.

Photo: Nedap

Photo: Nedap

UK dairy company looks to grow markets in Netherlands

UK-based dairy company, Millbrook Dairy Company, is set to grow its markets in the Netherlands. The company achieved exponential growth in its first year of trading after securing significant contracts in both the UK and export and launching new product ranges in both hard cheese and butter, all with the support of £1.6 million funding package.

Since its launch in 2019, the business has sold over 17,000 tonnes of cheese and butter, exceeding forecast tonnage threefold. The company reported an inaugural turnover of £15.5 million in its first year, and the second year brought further growth of 30% taking turnover beyond £20 million. Despite a difficult start to 2021 due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the company’s performance is strong and is likely to exceed 2020 overall.

Photo: Millbrook Dairy Company

Photo: Millbrook Dairy Company

Nutreco enters into joint ventures with Unga Group

Nutreco has announced that it has formed 2 joint ventures with the largest feed miller in East Africa, Kenya-based Unga Group, to meet the growing demand for high-quality protein within the East African region. This partnership involves 2 indirect subsidiaries of Unga Group, namely Unga Farm Care in Kenya and Unga Millers in Uganda.

The yet to be named joint ventures will focus on fish feed development in East Africa and complete animal feed development in Uganda.

van Dijk
Zana van Dijk Editor Dairy Global